The Hymn Project / Instrumental Piano Hymns on CD and MP3

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Worship With Limited Resources

Worship leader, teacher and speaker Kenny Lamm recently reviewed The Hymn Project for his web series about “finding the right tools for worship with limited musician resources.”

Kenny says,
“Churches with limited musician resources seem to be occurring in epidemic proportions. Also, many churches want to be able to utilize modern worship songs in their times of worship, but find it difficult to do so without proper instrumentation. Today, we have technologies available that provide great solutions for churches that need help.
”The Hymnal Project CDs are perfect for churches that no longer have a church pianist or need a temporary ‘substitute’ for a few weeks. They are extremely well produced and work wonderfully in church worship. I would probably rip the CDs and use the mp3s in a audio player app for convenience, but if you do not play two hymns close together in your service, the CDs will serve you well.”

Kenny’s website Renewing Worship features a wealth of articles and resources for churches and worship leaders of all types and situations - it’s definitely worth a visit!